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Head of System Development


The role holder is responsible for effectively planning, managing and guiding the development, implementation (including project planning, testing, deployment, issue tracking and resolution etc.)  and evaluation of all IT business applications for Kahramaa and ensuring that these applications are effectively integrated to maximize their business value and informative advantage.

Key Responsibilities:

Core Responsibilities:

  • Monitors and oversees the development of IT application architecture to ensure it is in line with overall IT strategy and addresses Kahramaa's business needs
  • Develops and defines application and data principles in order to guide the systems development process in line with organization and IT strategy
  • Liaises with directorate/ department/ section heads and other stakeholders to understand user requirements from the IT systems and translates those needs into technical requirements
  • Discusses the functional specifications with the technical team and supports them in translating the functional requirements into technical output
  • Provides recommendations on application design, framework and architecture and provides guidelines to project team while monitoring them closely throughout project development
  • Coordinates the application development for multiple projects to ensure alignment to overall objective and IT strategy
  • Develops standards that cover all application tools and technologies to ensure effective management of IT application development, web environment, ERP etc. in line IT strategy
  • Guides and directs the resolution of issues related to data integrity based on analysis of data contained in the corporate database to ensure database and data integrity at all times
  • Provides guidance and inputs on maintenance of ERP systems and applications developed
  • Directs and guides the maintenance of applications developed and coordinates with the relevant IT team to resolve any maintenance issues to ensure application integrity
  • Monitors and directs the design, build, host and maintenance of web sites (including Intranet and website) to ensure alignment to Kahramaa's web strategy
  • Works in cooperation with Quality Assurance and Continual Improvement section on securing and maintain the ISO / Risk Management / ISMS certification
  • Carries out and ensures the compliance of all activities within the Department are in-line with Kahramaa health and safety regulations

    Self-Management Responsibilities:
  • Defines performance goals at the start of the year in discussion with the reporting manager and ensures that the goals are achieved during the course of the year
  • Identifies the training and development requirements for self and agrees on them with the reporting manager to ensure that the required trainings are arranged and attended
  • Keeps abreast of professional developments, new techniques and current issues through continued education and professional growth

Educational and Technical Qualifications/ Certifications:
  • Bachelor's degree or equivalent in Information Technology/Computer Engineering, master's degree preferred

Years and Nature of Experience:
  • More than 10 years of experience in Information Technology and leadership responsibility in a large organization with 4+ years of supervisory experience preferably in a large utility company
Language Skills:
  • Written and Spoken English is essential, Arabic is preferred


  • Bachelor's degree or equivalent in Information Technology/Computer Engineering, master's degree preferred

More than 10 years of experience in Information Technology and leadership responsibility in a large organization with 4+ years of supervisory experience preferably in a large utility company


Technical Jobs




Information Technology Dept

Posting Date:

04 . April . 2024

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