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Supply Of Various It Applications, Renewal Of Licenses And Professional Services For 3 Years
Electronic Offers are to be uploaded through the “Purchased Tenders” page within the Bidder’s account in the Government Procurement Portal (The Unified Website of State Procurement – (
22-01-2025 07:30:00
20-02-2025 12:30:00
Quotations must be submitted in sealed envelopes addressed to: Secretary, General Tenders Committee. The closing date and tender number should be clearly written on the envelope. Tenders must be submitted at: Qatar General Electricity & Water Corporation “KAHRAMAA”, Legal and Contracts Department KAHRAMAA Building No. (1), 5th Floor, Dafna Area – Doha, State of Qatar.
20-02-2025 12:00 PM
Through this tender, KAHRAMAA is seeking New Applications, Development, Professional Services, Licenses and Support for various existing applications with Contractors with extensive knowledge partner in the same field. This requirement is for a period of 44months, including implementation, maintenance and support, in accordance with the applicable terms and conditions. Bidders have the right to propose for all / any items in this Scope of works since partial awarding applies for this project based on KAHRAMAA's best interest. The following are the list of applications for which KAHRAMAA requests renewal, support, development and new services: 1. AutoCAD AEC Collection Licenses Renewal 2. Arc FM Licenses Renewal 3. Renewal of Desktop Preventive Planned Maintenance Solutions 4. Open Text Renewal 5. Plexos Licenses Renewal 6. Starlims Renewal 7. IBM Business Analytics Enterprise Application Support and Maintenance 8. Announcement notification System 9. Email Signature System 10. Software Asset Management
  • Fees are non-refundable
  • The offer must be submitted with a bank guarantee (in the amount of provisional bid bond) issued by a Qatari Bank or by a bank operating in Qatar.
  • Offers are to be submitted separately, technical and commercial.
  • Successful bidder has to submit a Bank Guarantee (Performance Bond) with value equal to 10% of the awarded value.
  • KAHRAMAA has the right during the contract period, after approval of the committee, to increase or decrease the quantities, services or works, inline with the Tenders & Auctions Law and its regulations.
  • Last date for receiving clarification is 7 days before the Bid Closing Date.
  • Date for opening of the offer is on the next working day from Bid Closing Date, as per the Tenders Committee meeting.
  • If you face any difficulty for downloading the Tender Documents after Payments, please coordinate with IT Help Desk Administrator in the Government Procurement Portal (The Unified Website of State Procurement (

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